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International conference MTP 2024 on «Materials and technologies of photonics, electronics and nonlinear optics»

10-14 September 2024,
34a, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, Russia

Deadlines for registering reports, uploading abstracts and expert opinions have been extended

Due to numerous requests, the deadlines for registering papers, uploading abstracts and expert opinions have been extended. The other dates remain unchanged!

Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the organizing committee, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian conference MTP 2024 with international participation “Materials and technologies of photonics, electronics and nonlinear optics” in the city of Tomsk from September 10 to 14, 2024.

The conference will be dedicated to the latest achievements in photonics, electronics, nonlinear optics and quantum technologies based on modern and advanced materials. The range of issues covered is from the synthesis of materials to the creation of final devices.

The organizers of the conference are:

  • Tomsk State University (TSU),
  • Radiophysics Faculty of TSU,
  • Research and Educational Center «Optical and Photonic Technologies» of TSU,
  • «Optical Crystal Laboratory» LLC,
  • Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS (IOA SB RAS),
  • «High-tech diamond devices» LLC,
  • Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS.

Program Committee:

  • George Vladimirovich Mayer President of TSU, Doctor of Science, Professor,
  • Victor Valentinovich Demin First Vice-Rector of TSU, PhD, Professor,
  • Alexander Borisovich Vorozhtsov Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities of TSU, Doctor of Science, Professor,
  • Alexander Grigorievich Korotaev Dean of Radiophysics Faculty of TSU, PhD, Senior Researcher,
  • Victor Genrikhovich Vins Director of «VELMAN» LLC, Doctor of Science,
  • Vladimir Pavlovich Popov Head of Laboratory of ISPh SB RAS, Doctor of Science,
  • Maxim Victorovich Trigub Deputy Director on Scientific Work of IOA SB RAS, Doctor of Science,
  • Mikhail Alexandrovich Golovatov Head of Innovation Department of Science and Technology of TSU,
  • Nikolay Nikolaevich Yudin  Director of Scientific and Technical Center of TSU, PhD,
  • Alexander Ivanovich Gribenyukov Senior Researcher of IMСES SB RAS, PhD,
  • Sergey Nikolaevich Ulyanov Director of «Optical Crystal Laboratory» LLC.

Organizing Committee:

  • Evgeniy Igorevich Lipatov Head of Laboratory of Quantum Information Technologies of TSU, PhD,
  • Nikolay Nikolaevich Yudin  Director of Research and Educational Center «Optical and Photonic Technologies» of TSU, PhD,
  • Anton Vladimirovich Tyazhev Head of Laboratory of Synchrotron Radiation Detectors of TSU, Ph.D.,
  • Maxim Victorovich Trigub – Deputy Director on Scientific Work of IOA SB RAS, Doctor of Science.

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Zakhar Borodulin,
  • Sergey Karnaukhov,
  • Polina Komarova,
  • Alexander Krylov,
  • Olga Lyga,
  • Darya Peresedova,
  • Andrey Samolov,
  • Konstantin Smorodin,
  • Nikita Tereshchenko,
  • Lyudmila Vasilyeva.

The conference format is hybrid: in-person and online oral and poster presentations.

Sections of the MTP 2024 conference:

  • Quantum technologies and nonlinear optics;
  • Electronic, photonic and optoelectronic devices based on advanced materials;
  • Synthesis of materials for photonics, electronics and nonlinear optics;
  • Promising sources of coherent and incoherent electromagnetic radiation.

The conference venue is Tomsk State University, the historical building of the Scientific Library, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 34a.

Working languages ​​of the MTP are Russian, English.

Scientific articles based on reports made at the conference will be published in special issues of journals:

  • “Optical Journal” of the State Optical Institute named after. S.I. Vavilov and ITMO University, St. Petersburg. The full-text translation of the journal into English “Journal of Optical Technology” is published by Optica Publishing Group.
  • “Life Safety Technologies” of Tomsk State University.

The registration fee for participation in the conference is 6,000 rubles for participants with reports, 2,000 rubles for undergraduate and graduate students, and participants without reports. Plenary speakers are exempt from the registration fee.

We will be glad to meet you and your colleagues in Tomsk!

Dear Colleagues!

Important dates

20 Apr 2024 Acceptance of applications for participation and abstracts
The start of accepting applications for participation and abstracts
31 Aug 2024 Deadline for accepting applications for participation and abstracts
The deadline for accepting applications for participation and abstracts
31 Aug 2024 Deadline for receiving expert opinions
The deadline for receiving expert opinions for the possibility of open presentation of reports and open publication of abstracts
20 Aug 2024 Sending out official invitations to the conference
Sending out official invitations to the conference
20 Aug 2024 Summing up the results of the competitive selection of grants for young scientists
Summing up the results of the competitive selection of grants for young scientists to pay the registration fee
20 Aug 2024 Deadline of early payment
The deadline of early payment of the registration fee with a 20 % discount
31 Aug 2024 Deadline for accepting scientific articles for publication in scientific journals
The deadline for accepting scientific articles for publication in special issues of scientific journals in Russian or English
10 Sep 2024 Registration of participants and the start of the conference
Registration of participants and the start of the conference
13 Sep 2024 Closing ceremony of the conference
Summing up the results of the conference and awarding the winners of the competition for young scientists
14 Sep 2024 Ending the conference
Entertainment and departure of participants

The organizers of the MTP2024 conference are